
Circular economy kings

Cultivated mushrooms are the champions of recycling in the agricultural world. They are cultivated using the waste generated in other agricultural activities. Therefore, in addition to being a source of health, they help preserve the balance in nature. Sustainability experts from around the world claim that mushroom cultivation is the most sustainable agricultural activity on the planet, from the beginning of the cultivation process to harvesting. Delving deeper into the sustainability of mushrooms and exploring why many consider them to be one of the lowest impact foods on the planet, we find two incontrovertible reasons:

  • Mushrooms require less growing materials, water and energy than other agricultural activities.
  • Mushroom cultivation emits far less carbon dioxide and requires less land than any other agricultural practice.

The raw materials used to make the substrate on which mushrooms grow are straw, horse or poultry manure and gypsum, basically by-products of other agro-industries. This means that mushroom cultivation recycles naturally from the beginning of the process, and also extracts the maximum value from agricultural by-products. Finally, once harvested, the substrate used for their development is returned to the environment as a soil conditioner for other crops. In this way, the cycle is complete.