A powerful source of health
Cultivated mushrooms contain high levels of vitamins and minerals, and provide significant amounts of antioxidants. In addition, being the most sustainable crop on the planet, mushrooms are also an excellent source of nutrients. Its caloric intake is very low: 100 grams represent only 1% of the recommended daily energy intake; and at the same time, they provide more than 60% of the essential amount of daily vitamins (vitamin B and folic acid, among others).
They are a good source of protein. For example, white mushrooms, with a water content greater than 92%, provide 3 grams of protein per 100 g, an amount that only the more protein green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli or spinach, equal.
These are its main benefits:
- One serving (± 100 grams) provides more than 20% of the daily needs of seven essential nutrients: riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, copper, chromium and selenium. But those nutrients can be as high as eight if the mushrooms have been exposed to light, since then they also provide vitamin D.
- They are nutritionally balanced without adding fat, cholesterol or sodium to the diet. The fact of being low in calories makes them a perfect food to maintain a healthy weight.
- Most mushrooms and mushrooms have more B vitamins than are found in vegetables, and they are the only food that provides non-animal vitamin B12.
- They are a good source of essential minerals like selenium and contain powerful antioxidants like ergothionein.
- They provide bioactive compounds capable of improving immune function and potentially reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.